#eTubeGuide » YouTube Video Tutorial Guide » YouTube Video Tricks and Tips: #eTubeGuide : How To etubeguide.tistory.com link with Google Adsense For Revenue Earning

#eTubeGuide : How To etubeguide.tistory.com link with Google Adsense For Revenue Earning

» #eTubeGuide Video Description :

To link your Tistory blog (etubeguide.tistory.com) with Google AdSense for revenue earning, you'll need to follow these steps:

1. **Sign up for Google AdSense:**

   If you haven't already, sign up for a Google AdSense account. Go to the AdSense website (https://www.google.com/adsense/start/) and follow the instructions to create an account.

2. **Get Your AdSense Code:**

   Once your AdSense account is approved, you'll need to get the AdSense ad code. Navigate to the "Ads" section of your AdSense account dashboard and create a new ad unit. Choose the ad formats and options that best fit your Tistory blog.

3. **Copy the Ad Code:**

   After creating the ad unit, AdSense will provide you with the ad code snippet. Copy this code to your clipboard.

4. **Access Your Tistory Blog Dashboard:**

   Log in to your Tistory blog management dashboard at etubeguide.tistory.com.

5. **Go to Design Settings:**

   Look for the settings related to the design or layout of your Tistory blog. This is where you'll be able to add custom HTML, including the AdSense ad code.

6. **Insert AdSense Code:**

   In the design settings, find the option to add custom HTML or embed code. Paste the AdSense ad code snippet that you copied earlier into this section.

7. **Save Changes:**

   After pasting the AdSense ad code, save the changes to your Tistory blog design settings.

8. **Wait for Ads to Display:**

   It may take some time for Google to review your site and start displaying ads. Be patient, and eventually, you should start seeing AdSense ads appear on your Tistory blog.

9. **Monitor Performance:**

   Once ads start displaying, you can monitor the performance of your AdSense ads through your AdSense account dashboard. Keep an eye on metrics such as ad impressions, clicks, and revenue.

10. **Optimize Ad Placement:**

    Experiment with different ad placements and formats to optimize your ad revenue. Tweak the settings in your AdSense account to find the best performing ad configurations for your Tistory blog.

By following these steps, you can link your Tistory blog with Google AdSense to start earning revenue from ads displayed on your blog.

» #eTubeGuide Video #HashTags :

1. #GoogleAdsense

2. #YouTubeRevenue

3. #MonetizationTips

4. #EarnMoneyOnline

5. #AdSenseEarnings

6. #YouTubeTutorial

7. #OnlineIncome

8. #AdSenseTips

9. #YouTubeChannel

10. #PassiveIncome

11. #GoogleAdSenseTips

12. #YouTubeMonetization

13. #MakeMoneyOnline

14. #AdSenseTricks

15. #YouTubeStrategy

16. #RevenueGeneration

17. #AdSenseTutorial

18. #YouTubeSuccess

19. #OnlineEarning

20. #AdSenseGuide