#eTubeGuide » YouTube Video Tutorial Guide » YouTube Video Tricks and Tips: #eTubeGuide : How To Create Video Playlist and Add Video On YouTube Channel

#eTubeGuide : How To Create Video Playlist and Add Video On YouTube Channel

» #eTubeGuide Video Description :

Creating a video playlist and adding videos to your YouTube channel is a straightforward process. Here's a step-by-step guide:

**Creating a Video Playlist:**

1. **Sign in to YouTube**: Go to www.youtube.com and sign in to your YouTube account using your Google credentials.

2. **Access Your Channel**: Click on your profile icon at the top right corner of the page and select "Your Channel" from the dropdown menu.

3. **Navigate to YouTube Studio**: Once you're on your channel page, click on the "YouTube Studio" button.

4. **Access Playlists**: In YouTube Studio, find the "Playlists" option on the left-hand menu. Click on it.

5. **Create a New Playlist**: On the playlists page, click the "+ New playlist" button.

6. **Name Your Playlist**: Enter a title for your playlist. This title will be visible to viewers.

7. **Set Privacy Settings**: Choose whether you want your playlist to be public, unlisted, or private. Public playlists are visible to everyone, unlisted playlists are only accessible via direct link, and private playlists are visible only to you.

8. **Create Playlist**: Click the "Create" button to finalize the creation of your playlist.

**Adding Videos to Your Playlist:**

1. **Find Videos**: Go back to your YouTube channel or browse YouTube to find the videos you want to add to your playlist.

2. **Open Video Options**: Below the video player, click on the "Save" button (it looks like a bookmark). This will open a dropdown menu.

3. **Add to Playlist**: In the dropdown menu, select "Save to playlist".

4. **Select Playlist**: Choose the playlist you want to add the video to from the list of your playlists. If you haven't created the playlist yet, you can create a new one from here.

5. **Save Video to Playlist**: Once you've selected the playlist, click the "Save" button to add the video.

6. **Repeat for Additional Videos**: Repeat steps 1-5 for each video you want to add to the playlist.

**Organizing Your Playlist:**

1. **Access Your Playlist**: Go back to YouTube Studio and navigate to the "Playlists" section.

2. **Edit Playlist**: Find the playlist you want to edit and click on it. This will open the playlist editor.

3. **Reorder Videos**: In the playlist editor, you can drag and drop videos to rearrange their order.

4. **Save Changes**: Once you've organized your playlist to your liking, click the "Save" button to apply the changes.

That's it! You've successfully created a video playlist and added videos to your YouTube channel. You can share the playlist with others by sharing the playlist link or embedding it on your website or social media platforms.

» #eTubeGuide Video #HashTags :

1. #VideoPlaylistCreation

2. #YouTubePlaylistTips

3. #PlaylistManagement

4. #VideoOrganization

5. #YouTubeChannelUpdates

6. #PlaylistCreationGuide

7. #VideoCuration

8. #YouTubePlaylistIdeas

9. #PlaylistAddition

10. #VideoManagement

11. #YouTubeChannelEnhancement

12. #PlaylistBuilding

13. #VideoPlaylistTips

14. #YouTubePlaylistCreation

15. #PlaylistUpdates

16. #VideoOrganizationTips

17. #YouTubeChannelGrowth

18. #PlaylistEnhancement

19. #VideoCurationGuide

20. #YouTubePlaylistManagement