#eTubeGuide » YouTube Video Tutorial Guide » YouTube Video Tricks and Tips: #eTubeGuide : How To Ads Earning From Google Adsense + Advertica Banner Ads on Blogger

#eTubeGuide : How To Ads Earning From Google Adsense + Advertica Banner Ads on Blogger

» #eTubeGuide Video Description :

To earn revenue from both Google AdSense and Advertica banner ads on your Blogger blog, you'll need to set up and integrate both advertising platforms into your blog. Here's how you can do it:

1. **Sign Up for AdSense and Advertica**:

   - Sign up for a Google AdSense account at https://www.google.com/adsense/.

   - Sign up for an Advertica Publisher account at the Advertica website.

2. **Get AdSense Approval**:

   - Ensure your blog complies with AdSense program policies and guidelines.

   - Apply for AdSense and wait for approval. Once approved, you can create ad units to display on your blog.

3. **Create Ad Units in AdSense**:

   - Log in to your AdSense account.

   - Create ad units of different sizes and types suitable for your blog layout.

4. **Generate Ad Codes**:

   - Once you've created ad units, generate ad codes for each unit.

5. **Place AdSense Ads on Your Blogger Blog**:

   - In your Blogger dashboard, go to the "Layout" section.

   - Add AdSense gadgets/widgets to various parts of your blog layout (e.g., sidebar, header, footer).

   - Paste the AdSense ad codes into the corresponding gadgets/widgets.

6. **Set Up Advertica Banner Ads**:

   - Log in to your Advertica Publisher account.

   - Create banner ad zones for your blog.

   - Generate ad codes for the banner ad zones.

7. **Place Advertica Banner Ads on Your Blogger Blog**:

   - Similar to AdSense, go to the "Layout" section in your Blogger dashboard.

   - Add HTML/Javascript gadgets/widgets to your blog layout.

   - Paste the Advertica banner ad codes into these gadgets/widgets, positioning them where you want the ads to appear.

8. **Optimize Ad Placement**:

   - Experiment with different ad placements and sizes to maximize visibility and click-through rates (CTR) while ensuring a good user experience.

9. **Track Performance**:

   - Monitor the performance of your ads through the AdSense and Advertica dashboards.

   - Analyze metrics such as impressions, clicks, CTR, and earnings to optimize your ad strategy.

10. **Comply with Policies**:

    - Ensure that your blog adheres to the policies of both AdSense and Advertica to maintain your account in good standing.

By integrating both Google AdSense and Advertica banner ads into your Blogger blog, you can diversify your revenue streams and potentially increase your earnings through advertising. Remember to balance ad placement with user experience to create a positive browsing experience for your visitors.

» #eTubeGuide Video #HashTags :

1. #GoogleAdsenseEarnings

2. #AdverticaBannerAds

3. #BloggerMonetization

4. #AdsenseTips

5. #OnlineAdvertising

6. #PassiveIncome

7. #BlogMonetization

8. #AdSenseSuccess

9. #BloggerAds

10. #AdverticaSuccess

11. #GoogleAdsenseTips

12. #BloggerEarnings

13. #AdverticaBannerSuccess

14. #AdsenseRevenue

15. #BloggerAdvertising

16. #AdverticaMonetization

17. #AdsenseStrategies

18. #BloggerIncome

19. #AdverticaAds

20. #AdsenseBannerAds