#eTubeGuide » YouTube Video Tutorial Guide » YouTube Video Tricks and Tips: #eTubeGuide : How To Add Total Page Views Counter Widgets on Blogger Site

#eTubeGuide : How To Add Total Page Views Counter Widgets on Blogger Site

» #eTubeGuide Video Description :

Adding a total page views counter widget to your Blogger site can provide valuable insight into the popularity and reach of your blog. Here's how you can add a total page views counter widget:

1. **Access Your Blogger Dashboard**:

   - Log in to your Blogger account and navigate to the dashboard.

2. **Go to Layout**:

   - In the Blogger dashboard, click on the "Layout" option for the blog where you want to add the total page views counter widget.

3. **Add a Gadget**:

   - In the Layout section, find the location where you want to place the total page views counter widget. This could be in the sidebar, footer, or any other section of your blog layout.

   - Click on the "Add a Gadget" option in the chosen location.

4. **Select HTML/JavaScript Gadget**:

   - A window will pop up with a list of available gadgets. Scroll down and select the "HTML/JavaScript" gadget from the list.

5. **Paste the Counter Code**:

   - In the content box for the HTML/JavaScript gadget, paste the code snippet for the total page views counter widget.

   - You can obtain this code snippet from various third-party services that offer page view tracking widgets. One popular option is using Google Analytics.

6. **Customize the Widget (Optional)**:

   - If the widget allows customization, you can adjust the appearance and style settings as per your preference. This might include changing the font size, color, or layout of the counter.

7. **Save and Preview**:

   - After pasting the code and customizing the widget (if applicable), click on the "Save" button.

   - You may want to preview your blog to ensure that the total page views counter widget appears as expected and is placed in the desired location.

8. **Publish Your Blog**:

   - Once you're satisfied with the placement and appearance of the total page views counter widget, click on the "Save arrangement" button in the Layout section.

   - Finally, click on the "Save" or "Publish" button to make the changes live on your blog.

9. **Test the Counter**:

   - Visit your blog to confirm that the total page views counter widget is displaying correctly and accurately tracking page views.

By following these steps, you can add a total page views counter widget to your Blogger site, giving you and your readers visibility into the overall popularity of your blog.

» #eTubeGuide Video #HashTags :

1. #BloggerTips

2. #WebsiteWidgets

3. #PageViewsCounter

4. #BloggerTricks

5. #BlogAnalytics

6. #BloggerWidgets

7. #WebsiteMetrics

8. #PageViewsTracker

9. #BloggerTools

10. #BlogStatistics

11. #WebsiteAnalytics

12. #PageViewsMonitor

13. #BloggerTips

14. #BlogTraffic

15. #WebsiteInsights

16. #PageViewsAnalytics

17. #BloggerTutorials

18. #BlogGrowth

19. #WebsiteTracking

20. #PageViewsStats