#eTubeGuide » YouTube Video Tutorial Guide » YouTube Video Tricks and Tips: #eTubeGuide : How To Add Google Analytics Measurement ID on Blogspot Website

#eTubeGuide : How To Add Google Analytics Measurement ID on Blogspot Website

» #eTubeGuide Video Description :

To add Google Analytics to your Blogspot (Blogger) website, you'll need to obtain your Google Analytics Measurement ID and then add it to your Blogspot settings. Here's how you can do it:

1. **Get Your Google Analytics Measurement ID**:

   - Sign in to your Google Analytics account at https://analytics.google.com/.

   - If you don't have a Google Analytics account, you'll need to create one and set up a property for your website.

   - Once logged in, navigate to the Admin section (gear icon) at the bottom left corner of the page.

   - In the Admin section, under the Property column, select the property for your Blogspot website.

   - In the Property column, click on "Tracking Info" and then "Tracking Code."

   - You'll find your Tracking ID (also known as Measurement ID) in the format "UA-XXXXXXXXX-X". Copy this ID.

2. **Add Google Analytics Measurement ID to Blogspot**:

   - Sign in to your Blogger account at www.blogger.com.

   - From the Blogger dashboard, select the blog where you want to add Google Analytics.

   - Go to the "Settings" section of your blog.

   - Under the "Settings" menu, select "Other."

   - In the "Google Analytics" section, paste your Google Analytics Measurement ID into the "Analytics Web Property ID" field.

   - Click on the "Save settings" button to apply the changes.

3. **Verify Installation**:

   - After adding the Measurement ID to your Blogspot settings, Google Analytics will start tracking your website's data.

   - To verify that Google Analytics is working correctly, go back to your Google Analytics account and navigate to the Real-Time section. Open your Blogspot website in a new tab and navigate to a few pages. You should see real-time data appearing in Google Analytics.

4. **Monitor Your Website's Performance**:

   - Once Google Analytics is set up, you can monitor various metrics such as page views, sessions, bounce rate, and more.

   - Use the data provided by Google Analytics to gain insights into your website's performance and audience behavior.

By following these steps, you can add Google Analytics to your Blogspot website and start tracking visitor data to gain valuable insights into your website's performance.

» #eTubeGuide Video #HashTags :

1. #GoogleAnalytics

2. #Blogspot

3. #MeasurementID

4. #WebsiteAnalytics

5. #BloggerTips

6. #DigitalMarketing

7. #SEO

8. #WebTraffic

9. #AnalyticsTools

10. #OnlineMarketing

11. #DataAnalysis

12. #Bloggers

13. #TrafficSources

14. #GoogleTools

15. #WebAnalytics

16. #BlogSpotTips

17. #GoogleAnalyticsID

18. #BlogSpotWebsite

19. #GoogleTracking

20. #GoogleData