#eTubeGuide » YouTube Video Tutorial Guide » YouTube Video Tricks and Tips: #eTubeGuide : How To Add Custom Domain on Blogger Site with DNS Settings (HTTPS Active)

#eTubeGuide : How To Add Custom Domain on Blogger Site with DNS Settings (HTTPS Active)

» #eTubeGuide Video Description :

Adding a custom domain to your Blogger site with DNS settings involves a few steps. Additionally, enabling HTTPS (SSL) for your custom domain is crucial for security and credibility. Here's a guide:

### Part 1: Set Up Custom Domain in Blogger

1. **Purchase a Domain**: Register a custom domain through a domain registrar of your choice. Ensure you have access to modify the DNS settings for this domain.

2. **Access Blogger Settings**:

   - Log in to your Blogger account.

   - Go to the dashboard of the blog where you want to add the custom domain.

3. **Go to Settings**:

   - Click on "Settings" from the left-hand menu.

   - Select "Basic" under Settings.

4. **Set Up Custom Domain**:

   - Under Publishing, find the "Set up a third-party URL for your blog" section.

   - Enter your custom domain (e.g., www.yourdomain.com) in the field provided.

   - Click on "Save".

5. **Error Message**:

   - You'll see an error message with two CNAME records. These records need to be added to your domain's DNS settings.

### Part 2: Update DNS Settings for Custom Domain

1. **Access DNS Settings**:

   - Log in to your domain registrar's website where you purchased your custom domain.

   - Find the DNS settings or DNS management section.

2. **Add CNAME Records**:

   - Add the two CNAME records provided by Blogger. These records typically include values like "ghs.google.com" and "gv-xxxxxxxxxx.domainverify.googlehosted.com".

   - Save the changes.

### Part 3: Verify Custom Domain in Blogger

1. **Return to Blogger**:

   - Go back to the Blogger dashboard.

2. **Verify Domain**:

   - In the "Settings" > "Basic" section, enter your custom domain (www.yourdomain.com) again.

   - This time, it should verify successfully.

### Part 4: Enable HTTPS (SSL) for Custom Domain

1. **Access HTTPS Settings**:

   - After successfully verifying your custom domain, go to "Settings" > "Basic" again.

2. **Enable HTTPS**:

   - Find the HTTPS section.

   - Turn on HTTPS availability.

   - Save the changes.

3. **Redirect HTTP to HTTPS**:

   - Optionally, you can select the option to redirect your domain from HTTP to HTTPS.

### Part 5: Test and Verify

1. **Test the Custom Domain**:

   - Visit your custom domain (www.yourdomain.com) in a web browser to ensure it loads correctly.

2. **Check HTTPS Connection**:

   - Verify that your site is loading over HTTPS by checking for the padlock icon in the browser's address bar.

By following these steps, you can successfully add a custom domain to your Blogger site and enable HTTPS for secure connections. Remember, DNS changes may take some time to propagate, so your custom domain might not work immediately.

» #eTubeGuide Video #HashTags :

1. #BloggerCustomDomain

2. #DNSConfiguration

3. #HTTPSActivation

4. #BloggerWebsite

5. #DomainSetup

6. #CustomDomainTutorial

7. #BloggerTips

8. #WebsiteDevelopment

9. #DomainName

10. #BloggerHelp

11. #DNSManagement

12. #SecureWebsite

13. #BloggerTutorial

14. #DomainIntegration

15. #HTTPSforBlogger

16. #BloggerDomainSettings

17. #WebsiteSecurity

18. #CustomDomainGuide

19. #BloggerDNS

20. #HTTPSforWebsites