#eTubeGuide » YouTube Video Tutorial Guide » YouTube Video Tricks and Tips: #eTubeGuide : How To Add Blog Label Earning From Advertica Direct Link on Blog Site (Video 01)

#eTubeGuide : How To Add Blog Label Earning From Advertica Direct Link on Blog Site (Video 01)

» #eTubeGuide Video Description :

To add a blog label or category titled "Earning from Advertica Direct Link" on your blog site, you can follow these general steps:

1. **Access Your Blog Platform**: Log in to your blog platform's dashboard. This could be WordPress, Blogger, Wix, or any other platform you're using.

2. **Navigate to the Post Editor**: Find the option to create a new post or edit an existing one. This is usually found in the "Posts" or "Blog" section of your dashboard.

3. **Create a New Post or Edit an Existing One**: If you're creating a new post, click on the "Add New" button. If you're editing an existing post, locate the post you want to edit and click on the "Edit" option.

4. **Add the Label or Category**: In the post editor, look for the section where you can add labels, categories, or tags to your post. This is typically found in the sidebar or below the post editor, depending on your blogging platform.

   - For WordPress: Look for the "Categories" or "Tags" section in the right sidebar of the post editor.

   - For Blogger: You can add labels in the "Labels" section on the right sidebar of the post editor.

5. **Enter the Label Name**: In the text field provided for adding labels or categories, type "Earning from Advertica Direct Link" or any desired label name.

6. **Apply the Label**: After typing the label name, press Enter or click on the "Add" or "Apply" button to apply the label to your post.

7. **Save or Publish Your Post**: Once you've added the label, you can save your changes as a draft or publish the post, depending on whether you're creating a new post or editing an existing one.

8. **Check the Label on Your Blog Site**: After saving or publishing the post, visit your blog site to ensure that the label "Earning from Advertica Direct Link" is visible and clickable. This allows visitors to view all posts related to this label when they click on it.

By following these steps, you can add a blog label titled "Earning from Advertica Direct Link" to your blog site, allowing visitors to easily find and access posts related to this topic.

» #eTubeGuide Video #HashTags :

1. #BlogLabelEarning

2. #AdverticaDirectLink

3. #MonetizeYourBlog

4. #BlogIncome

5. #EarnFromBlogging

6. #DirectLinkEarnings

7. #BlogMonetization

8. #AdverticaEarnings

9. #BlogSiteIncome

10. #AdRevenue

11. #BlogLabeling

12. #DirectLinkIncome

13. #AdverticaBlog

14. #BlogEarningTips

15. #MaximizeAdRevenue

16. #BlogSiteMonetization

17. #AdverticaDirect

18. #BlogLabelStrategy

19. #EarnMoneyFromBlogs

20. #AdverticaSuccess