#eTubeGuide » YouTube Video Tutorial Guide » YouTube Video Tricks and Tips: #eTubeGuide : How Earning From Advertica Direct Link Banner Ads Show on Google Portfolio Site 08

#eTubeGuide : How Earning From Advertica Direct Link Banner Ads Show on Google Portfolio Site 08

» #eTubeGuide Video Description :

To earn from Advertica Direct Link banner ads on a Google Portfolio site, you can follow these general steps:

1. **Sign Up for Advertica**:

   - Register as a publisher with Advertica and get approval for displaying banner ads on your website.

2. **Access Advertica Dashboard**:

   - Log in to your Advertica publisher account dashboard.

3. **Generate Banner Ad Tags**:

   - In the dashboard, navigate to the section where you can generate ad tags for banner ads.

   - Choose the appropriate banner ad sizes and formats for your Google Portfolio site.

   - Generate the ad tags specifically for Direct Link banner ads.

4. **Copy Ad Tags**:

   - Once the ad tags are generated, copy the provided HTML code snippet for the Direct Link banner ads.

5. **Access Google Portfolio Site**:

   - Log in to your Google Portfolio account.

6. **Edit Your Portfolio Site**:

   - Find the option to edit your portfolio site. This usually involves accessing the site editor or customization settings.

7. **Add HTML/Embed Widget**:

   - Locate the section or widget that allows you to embed HTML or custom code into your portfolio site.

   - Add a new HTML or Embed widget to the desired page or section where you want to display the Advertica Direct Link banner ads.

8. **Paste Ad Tags**:

   - Paste the copied Advertica Direct Link banner ad tags into the HTML/Embed widget on your portfolio site.

   - Ensure that you place the ad tags in a visible and prominent location where they will attract attention from visitors.

9. **Save Changes**:

   - Save the changes to your portfolio site to apply the embedded Advertica Direct Link banner ads.

10. **Preview and Test**:

    - Preview your portfolio site to ensure that the banner ads are displaying correctly.

    - Test the functionality of the ads to verify that they link to the intended destinations when clicked.

11. **Monitor Performance and Earnings**:

    - Regularly monitor your Advertica dashboard to track the performance of the Direct Link banner ads.

    - Keep an eye on metrics such as impressions, clicks, and earnings to optimize your ad placements for better results.

12. **Comply with Policies**:

    - Ensure that your use of Advertica Direct Link banner ads complies with both Advertica's and Google's policies to avoid any violations that could affect your earnings or site status.

By following these steps, you can display Advertica Direct Link banner ads on your Google Portfolio site and potentially earn revenue from ad impressions and clicks.

» #eTubeGuide Video #HashTags :

1. #AdverticaDirect

2. #BannerAds

3. #GooglePortfolio

4. #OnlineAdvertising

5. #MonetizeYourSite

6. #EarnFromAds

7. #PassiveIncome

8. #DigitalMarketing

9. #WebsiteMonetization

10. #AdRevenue

11. #GoogleAdsense

12. #OnlineIncome

13. #WebsiteAds

14. #EarnMoneyOnline

15. #BannerAdvertising

16. #GoogleAdWords

17. #WebsiteRevenue

18. #AdverticaNetwork

19. #GoogleAds

20. #SiteMonetization